Girlfriends Films Nominated for the 2020 Fleshbot Awards

Vote for Your Girlfriends at the Fleshbot Awards website!
Fleshbot has announced nominations for the Annual Fleshbot Awards and Girlfriends Films was among the nominees. Nominated in the category Best Pay Site for our membership website Girlfriends is listed among top studios vying for the title to be determined by fan vote. Voting is open now until December 7, so be sure to check out the 2020 Fleshbot Awards at their website and vote for your Girlfriends! You may vote one time per day from now until the voting period ends.
***BIG Thank You! To Fleshbot and all of our Fans for your ongoing support***
Girlfriends Films revamped their membership website this summer, announcing enhanced features for fans including a private forum and a ‘Channels’ section devoted to their library of popular film series. The studio recently added Roku streaming capability to their list of benefits for members.
For more information please follow:
GFF Official Blog:
Girlfriends Films on Twitter: @GF_Films
Girlfriends News | The Lesbian Times:
Girlfriends on AVN Stars:
Love Your Girlfriends IG: