Dating Apps for Women ‘Seeking Women’

Looking for Love?
Our in-house columnist S.Tylene offers advice for lesbians struggling to find love during the pandemic with her list of the best and most popular lesbian dating apps for women. This article by Stylene includes behind-the-scenes footage from various Girlfriends Films productions.
Lesbian Dating Apps
So you’re looking for a hot date – a possible fling, maybe even someone to commit to. With the current state of the pandemic, there are limited places to go to in order to meet people. So what’s a girl to do? There are a ton of choices for dating apps, but how will you know which one will work best for you?

As a lesbian and someone who has spent frequent time on dating apps in the past, I’ve come to realize each dating app actually serves a specific purpose for the people using it. I’ve come across countless profiles on countless apps that have allowed me to take a pass on couples looking for a third party to join them [thank you, but no, thank you] and I also came across many men declaring themselves lesbians as if maybe they’d have the option of turning me straight. [I’ve had sex with men, but sorry, guys. There is something about pressing my tongue against a women as she gets more wet by the second that won’t ever allow me to turn back time.] While these apps are great and all, maybe even somewhat unavoidable when you’re just looking for a casual amount of fun, they still left me with one question: While gay men have the best of Grindr, and heterosexuals have Bumble/Tinder, which apps are keen for Lesbians? Here’s what I found.

The Lesbian app HER is a great way to meet other lesbians in and around your current location. Actually, the best thing about the HER app is they have begun putting on different events worldwide where you can actually meet and mingle with everyone involved on the app in person. I worked at one of these events a couple years back, and the sex appeal that was given provided by the burlesque dancers alone was a good enough reason to be there.
Scissr, an app that has a self-explanatory name, should speak for itself. While many lesbians don’t realize this app is even out there, it is, and it’s great for casual hook-ups. For what it’s worth and for those of you wondering, yes, scissoring is real. No, it’s not done in the way you think, but it sure as hell feels good. Provided you both are wet, there is this sensational amount of warmth that comes from riding against one another that will make you orgasm like no other.
While it might sounds crazy, TikTok has gotten a ton of high ratings for ways to meet lesbians during the past and current quarantine – connected to those who love it, a dating app for lesbians called Fem has reached the potential standing of meeting new lovers. Fem is a dating app that only allows you to express who you are by video, and has been rated one of the best in terms of meeting your potential soulmate on an online dating app. This app has given lesbians a new way to interact and be real with one another in the hopes of finding something potentially more intimate.

Maintstream Dating Apps
While there are few and far between true apps that pertain mainly to lesbians, I will say that in a basic view Tinder and Bumble aren’t the worst ways to meet lesbians who just want to “Netflix and chill”. Actually ‘Hinge’ has even been rating among some as the best way to meet people you’re most attracted to appearance-wise. As I mentioned above, these apps are mostly pertaining to heterosexual couples, however, there is a small selection of lesbians on these apps who are definitely worth getting down and dirty with.
Aside from even forming potential hook-ups, or dating mates, these apps can give lesbians the best insight to a community full of other lesbians for those who are willing to take the time to find them.
S.Tylene is a 27 year old, out and proud lesbian who was born and raised in Los Angeles, California.